About Us

The Fatherhood Initiative is dedicated to supporting children and families by providing interactive parenting programs, resources, mentoring services and advocacy supports to fathers who often feel marginalized and unsupported. Our approach to supporting families is to educate, empower and inspire men from various walks of life to develop a lens of personal awareness, empathy, respect and care as engaged and involved fathers.

We encourage collective learning through resolute conversations and child-centred parenting supports that address the service gap many families face. We believe, with the right supports, men have the ability to challenge social norms around fathering as part of the growth of healthy children, the sustainability of the family unit, and the positive development of communities.


The ANKOBEA Fatherhood Initiative facilitates transformative change by engaging men through child-centred parenting and self-empowerment strategies.


Our vision is an inclusive and equitable society where men are equipped with the tools, resources and understanding to help them develop into active, supportive, involved fathers and caregivers.


We believe that effectively parenting from a child-centred lens promotes an internal selflessness that encourages parents to put the needs of their children first at all times.


We recognize that men engage with & accept support in unique ways. However, from an equity standpoint, it is important for fathers to be actively included in accessible parenting supports and resources.


We work from a community-based lens that is grounded in empowering members of our community. We believe: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Not only do we recognize the systemic traumas impacting our village, we actively advocate for collective actions that positively counteract those traumas.

“Play is children’s way of being part of the world they live in. Fathers can support play by giving their children chances to play and by being involved with their play..”

Dad Central Ontario

Wraparound Support

We offer a holistic approach to supporting effective parenting strategies, grounding services in the needs and lived realities of our clients. Further, we regularly promote services and seek strategic partnerships with community agencies, incorporating skills and expertise of experts from different walks of life to ensure wraparound support is available for participants.

Support Goals

Improve parenting relationships between parents and children..

Support Goals

Provide a safe space for fathers to speak about trauma and life experiences.
Play Video
"Studies have shown that when fathers are affectionate and supportive, it greatly affects a child's cognitive and social development..”

If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

 ~ African proverb

Active Learning

Using innovative methods grounded in adult and experiential learning principles, our staff will guide participants through a process of developing an analysis of interpersonal techniques they can apply to a range of contexts and scenarios with their children, families, and community members.