Studies have shown that children with involved fathers are more likely to do better in school.
One of the biggest influences on the way we parent is how we were parented.
Building Communities And Supporting Families by Supporting Active Involved Fatherhood

Supporting Involved Fatherhood

Why We do what we do

Research has shown that the positive involvement of fathers is a key factor in the healthy development of children. However, personal, social and economic factors not only determine the health of fathers and their children, but influence their regular interactions with their families and community supports, in addition to the positive contributions they make to their communities.

The ANKOBEA Fatherhood Initiative is dedicated to supporting children, families and communities, by providing interactive parenting programs, resources, mentoring services and advocacy supports to fathers who often feel marginalized and unsupported. Our approach to supporting families is to educate, empower and inspire men from various walks of life to develop a lens of personal awareness, empathy, respect and care as engaged and involved fathers.


When we talk about involved fathers, what do we mean? Any kind of involvement, good or bad? Obviously not.

We mean a father who knows and enjoys his kids, one who shares with his partner the work and the play of raising them, one who understands them well and can handle their daily routines. We mean a man who has his own direct, close relationship with his children.

TFI Programs Calendar

Parenting Program

February 21st, 2022

8 Week Virtual Parenting Parenting Program for Fathers

Discussion Group

Thursdays 7-8pm

Weekly holistic support / discussion group designed to engage young men and fathers in meaningful conversations

Empowering Dads

Mondays 6-7pm

8 week holistic Life Mapping group designed to engage young men and fathers in meaningful conversations that help create a roadmap of goals.

"Involved Fathers benefit children, families and communities"

“Research has shown that the positive involvement of fathers is a key factor in the healthy development of children.”
-Dad Central Ontario

Parenting Programs

We offer a variety of child-centered parenting programs that engage and empower fathers.

& Advocacy

We provide fathers with one-on-one & group mentoring services and intermediary / advocacy supports with service agencies.

Support & Resources

We provide and connect fathers to a range of resource booklets, web links and other important resources for fathers.

We Will Assist You And Your family.

With over 35 years of experience, we’ve helped hundreds of men and fathers hone their parenting prowess and develop key life skills that benefit the lives of their children, families and communities.